My name is Lyudmila Myasnikova-Isoux, and I am very happy to welcome you on the webpages of our Scottish and British cattery "Catlines".
Our cattery is based in Réalmont, a small town of the South of France. We are a member of the LOOF association in France, as well as of TICA on an international basis.
We are committed to raising Scottish Folds, Scottish Straights, Highland Folds, Highland Straights, and British Shorthair cats. In particular for what regards two-colored coats with tabby designs and single color coats.
As for the Highlands, their hair doesn’t become entangled and does not require special care.
The Scottish and Highland have the abilty of conquering the hearts of people with their large expressive eyes and a very soft and silky fur. They are curvy-lined cats with, however, a muscular and compact body. They are sometimes compared, because of their large often golden eyes, to owls!
Medium-sized, the Scottish or Highland are ideal indoor cats, with a loving and gentle temperament. They are usually very quiet cats, capable however of their occasional flits of madness during the day: they are quite cuddly but may also be devilishly playful. Sociable, they develop at the same time a strong loyalty to their master. Capable of real tenderness without taking out their claws, these cat will get along wonderfully with all members of the family, as well as with other animals (especially dogs).
The main purpose of our cattery is to produce beautiful pets, in good health and meeting in all respects the standards of the breed.
At our place, you can buy kittens with a very wide and varied range array of coat colors: single color (blue, lilac, black, creamy, red, chocolate), and tabby mixtures (silver, marbled, spotted, tabby). There are also coats which besides white, present "color points" and "lynx color points".
Scottish Fold

cats with folded ears and a short coat
Scottish Straight

cats with straight ears and a short coat
Highland Fold

cats with folded ears and a semi-long coat
Highland Straight

cats with straight ears and a semi-long coat